The design for the official coin to commemorate the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton on April 29th has recently been unveiled to the public.
Published by Royal Mint, the coin will show an image of the couple looking at each other with beaming smiles and underneath will bear the words “"William and Catherine, 29 April 2011". On one side, the coin will capture the profiles of the Royal couple whilst the reverse will hold the iconic image of Queen Elizabeth II that is recognised the world over. With more than 1,000 years of experience, The Royal Mint, is the leading export mint, making and distributing coins for numerous countries across the world.
An earlier design of the coin was revealed in December 2010 but attracted negative press due to an alleged ‘unflattering’ image of Kate. A Royal spokesman announced: "The official UK royal wedding coin has been designed by Mark Richards, a fellow of the Royal Society of British Sculptors," said a spokeswoman. The Royal Mint advisory committee, a board of experts in the fields of art, design and history, agreed on a design before seeking Royal approval. The source continued that: "With Prince William's full approval received, the coin design was submitted to the chancellor (finance minister) and finally to Her Majesty the Queen for approval," she said.
Final checks will be made on March 16th, in advance of the wedding on April 29th, before being available for sale on the Royal Mint website. Despite being valued at £5, the coin’s retail price will be £9.99.
The Royal Mint website stated that: "Public interest in this great event is already huge, and building every day, so we are anticipating massive demand for these official commemorative coins."
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